Saturday, December 1, 2012

Pet Insurance Comparisons - A Step by Step Guide to Getting the Cheapest Pet Insurance?

A question I am often asked is "What is the cheapest pet insurance".

The simple answer is you get what you pay for, but that doesn't mean that you can' get a great deal that suits your budget and gives you the insurance cover you need. Let me explain.

Basing your choice of pet insurance coverage on price alone is a recipe for disaster. Sure you will get cheap monthly premiums but it is simply false economy because you will end up paying for a policy that fails to provide you with enough to pay your vet bill when you need it.

There are ways to swing the odds in your favor so that your monthly premiums are kept at a minimum while you still enjoy a level of coverage that safeguards you against costly veterinary medical bills.

Step 1/.

The first rule in getting a good value pet health insurance policy is to make sure you get five very important medical conditions included in your policy.

These are a must:

Coverage for Chronic disease Continual coverage for chronic disease Coverage for Hereditary/congenital conditions Cancer Coverage Coverage for Breed specific conditions

Why do you need these inclusions?

If you do not include these five essentials in your pet insurance plan, you are wasting your money because without them you will not be fully protected.

These pet medical conditions can and probably will affect your pet during its lifetime and each of them is singularly difficult and expensive to treat.

A handful of good pet insurance companies provide cover for these elements in their baseline plan. Others have them as add-ons for which you pay extra and yet others do not include them at all.

Here is a short list of some of the Pet Health Insurance Companies that include the five conditions in their baseline policy.

Healthy Paws Trupanion Embrace Purina Care

Step 2/.

OK then. So we have identified a few insurance providers with have these important medical conditions included in their baseline plan. The next step is to look at their price to see how their premiums compare. The baseline premiums will likely range from around $5 per month to $15 per month. This is their starting point however there are other factors that will affect the monthly premiums such as the coverage levels you choose, your breed of animal, your pet's age, your location and so on.

Generally speaking you should expect to pay from $15 to $40 per month, or even more if you select a premium plan.

Step 3/.

This is the part where I teach you how to save money on your monthly premiums.

Most pet health insurance companies base their pricing structure on a few factors.

For example:

What's Covered What's not Covered (exclusions) Maximum Payout Deductibles Co-Pay

It's the last two I want to focus on for now.

Deductible is the amount of the veterinary bill you must pay before the insurance company starts paying. Co-Pay is the percentage of covered expenses that you must pay after the deductible is met.

You can raise or lower the amount you pay monthly by adjusting the levels of these two elements. In other words, if you choose a higher deductible or co-pay, you will lower your monthly premium but your out of your pocket expenses for medical treatment will be higher.

On the other hand, a low deductible or co-pay will push up the cost of monthly premiums but your out of your pocket expenses will be reduced.

This is a bit of a balancing act so here's a couple of things to ask yourself that will help you arrive at the right balance that suits your budget and your pet's well being.

Take a moment to think about your pet. How old is he? Does he live indoors or out? Is he a naughty pet that is always getting into mischief? Is the breed susceptible to any hereditary diseases? Is he overweight? Does he have road sense and so on.

By asking yourself these questions you should be able to determine a level of coverage that is affordable, will most likely meet all of your pet's medical needs, and save you money along the way.


The higher the deductible and co-pay, the lower your monthly premiums.

The lower the deductible and co-pay, the higher your monthly premiums.

You are much better off to adjust the deductible and co-pay slightly to bring the premium down, than to remove any of the five important coverage elements mentioned above.

Step 4/.

There is one more thing you need to consider: Maximum Payout Structures.

At the high end of the scale, medical costs for serious illness or injury can be as much as 10 or even 20 thousand dollars Since it is impossible to know in advance what injury or illness your pet will suffer, you will want to focus on plans that give you the most flexibility when it comes to Maximum Payouts so you are not left short.

There are a number of 'maximum payout' structures offered by pet insurance companies including

Maximum Payout Per Incident Maximum Payout Per Year Maximum Lifetime Payout Maximum Payout Per Body System Maximum Payout Based on a Predetermined Benefit Schedule Unlimited Maximum Payout

Maximum Payout per Body System and Predetermined Benefit Schedules are not recommended. They will cap how much of your Annual Maximum Payout you can spend on any one illness, accident or injury. Simply avoid them.

Better to go for Maximum Payout Per Year (the 'Maximum Annual Payout' gets reset annually so you will have this amount available to you every year), or Maximum Lifetime Payout (the maximum amount you will be reimbursed during your pet's lifetime).

Let's take a look at some of the leading insurance providers. Embrace Pet Insurance has an annual maximum payout of $15,000. Purina Care insurance, $20,000 per year, and Trupanion insurance $20,000 per year.

* There is one stand out. Healthy Paws Pet Insurance offer an Unlimited Maximum Payout Structure as part of their baseline plan. Not many pet insurance companies offer unlimited payout structures at no extra cost. This is by far the best structure to have particularly if you are considering a plan with lower monthly premiums.

Lastly, you should find out about the reputation of each pet insurance company. There are a few websites that provide Pet Insurance Comparisons and ratings based on actual customer satisfaction reports, real experiences, testimonials, Better Business Bureau Ratings etc. Using the information gathered by these sites will take out a lot of the leg work for you and help you to plot a straight line to the best pet insurance coverage that suits your pocket and the on-going health needs of your pet.

Dog Insurance For Life: Is Lifetime Dog Insurance The Best Value?   Some Reasons Why You Should Consider Getting Pet Insurance   Pet Care Insurance - Put Your Pet First   Cat Health Insurance   Vital Information About Pet Insurance   Understand The Nuts and Bolts of Pet Insurance   

Dog Insurance Cover - Does Dog Insurance Provide Good Value For Money?

Not everyone bothers to take out dog insurance cover for their pet, so I want to examine the main reasons for considering this as an option. Clearly there is an additional cost involved in putting a policy in place, and the whole point of any insurance is to weigh up the cost of the policy against the possible costs if you do not arrange cover. On the one hand of course there is the thought that you might pay for cover throughout the life of your pet and have no reason to make a claim on it. Then the policy can look like a waste of money. On the other hand there are thousands of people each year who make claims on their policies for all sorts of reasons.

Some claims are for relatively small amounts of money, but others can be for very substantial amounts. The point is that it is impossible to know what is going to happen through the course of your pet's life, but there are many things that could happen which would lead to you having to find very large amounts of money. So the question is could you deal with that situation without insurance, and are you prepared to take that risk?

Consider the type of things that could very easily happen over the course of your pet's life that would cost you money. One of the main reasons people take out a policy when they get a pet is to pay for any veterinary fees. You are probably aware that these are not cheap and there are all sorts of reasons that you may require the services of a vet. Dogs can suffer from a huge range of diseases and conditions, just like us and then there are the possibilities of accidents too. If your dog developed an ongoing condition, so that they required treatment on an ongoing basis, the costs of something like that could go on for years and result in a very substantial amount of money.

Some conditions or accidents may need an operation or series of operations to bring your pet back to health. While this may not be an ongoing cost, many fairly common operations can costs thousands. Without insurance, the choice you then have is to try to fund this cost yourself, or not go ahead with something that could either relieve your dog's condition, or even save its life. Most of the time it would only take something fairly minor to come up to make the investment in your dog insurance cover more than worthwhile.

Another element of this type of protection is to pay for any claims against you for injury or damage to property caused by your dog. This is called liability protection and is one of the things that can lead to some of the biggest claims. It is not just disobedient animals that are involved in instances where claims are made against the owner. Your dog biting someone is a fairly obvious example, but what about your dog running into the road and causing a traffic collision. This is very common, but depending on the circumstances the potential claims against you could be enormous. What if there was more than one vehicle involved and one or more people were seriously injured. Could you cover a claim for personal injury and vehicle repairs yourself?

These are the kind of questions you need to ask yourself when considering whether or not to take our dog insurance cover.

Dog Insurance For Life: Is Lifetime Dog Insurance The Best Value?   Some Reasons Why You Should Consider Getting Pet Insurance   Got A Pet? Read Why Pet Insurance Is So Important For Your Pet And Your Finances   Pet Insurance: Little Known Features and Types of Coverage You May Not Know About   

Affordable Dog Insurance - Balancing Affordability Against The Need For Financial Security

The cost of keeping a dog is quite substantial at the best of times if you work out the total cost over the lifetime of your pet, but these can increase astronomically if your dog requires treatment by a vet for illness or injury. The nature of some illnesses, such as arthritis or diabetes is that they are ongoing and therefore require ongoing treatments. This is when the costs can really start to become very substantial, and when having adequate do insurance in place can make an enormous difference to your finances.

The cost of insurances will vary with certain risk factors, as they do for any type of insurance policy. The greater the increased risk of a claim or the likely increased cost, the higher your premiums will be. This can be affected by all sorts of things. Where you live in the country can be a factor, as the bills from vets will be different in different areas. This is one thing that will be taken into consideration when you are making an application for a policy.

Another factor unique to cover for pets is the breed of dog that you want to insure. Again this is ultimately to do with costs, but the fact is that the companies will know from statistical evidence that certain breeds are on average going to cost more in vet bills over the course of the animal's life. For example, it is known that a lot of the larger breed will be more costly, so you are likely to pay higher premiums if you want cover for a St Bernard, Great Dane, a Wolfhoud or Old English Sheepdog.

The main things that will affect the cost of your cover as they type of policy you choose and what you want to have included in it. Other than this, you can obviously save money by comparing quotes from lots of companies to see who is the most affordable. You will also find that by actually buying your policy online you may be able to save quite a lot too. This is because it is cheaper for the insurer to sell you a policy this way, so they can pass on these savings to you.

The cost of any policy is going to vary with the level and type of cover you require. An annual policy will cover you up to certain limits on each area, such as vet fees, and that cover will stop at the end of the policy year. You can opt for lifetime cover which means your pet will be insured throughout its life, but there will still be a maximum limit. Depending on the policy you have, this could either be a maximum amount for each year, which starts again the next year, or it may be a total amount for the policy. Either way, you can claim up to the maximum then the cover stops.

You need to think carefully about the type of policy that is best for you and your pet. Clearly a gold plated life cover is going to cost more, but then if your dog develops an illness that requires expensive ongoing treatment, you are going to be thanking your lucky stars that you had the cover.

Dog Insurance For Life: Is Lifetime Dog Insurance The Best Value?   Some Reasons Why You Should Consider Getting Pet Insurance   Pet Insurance: Little Known Features and Types of Coverage You May Not Know About   Understand The Nuts and Bolts of Pet Insurance   

Arranging A Pet Plan

Everyone loves their pets, so pet insurance is just another way of protecting someone's interests. However, before jumping into buying a big pet plan, people should stop to consider what type of insurance their pet is really eligible for and what type of cover is really needed. When it comes right down to it, pet insurance really breaks down into two different categories.

Professional Animals

Professional animals are the ones who need the most coverage. These are animals who need a lot of insurance in the first place to protect them in the event of injury or illness. Just as a professional singer might insure their voice, the owners of professional animals, show dogs, performing animals, will likely cover, say, a race dog's legs, or even a show dog's teeth.

Of course, the main thing is life insurance for these animals. Life coverage for a performing animal is vitally important as it covers not only the emotional damages of losing a beloved animal, it also covers the loss of income incurred in the event of their passing. It covers the cost of burying the animal as well as buying and training a replacement animal.

When it comes to professional animals, pet plans are there not only to cover the emotional loss, but the practical, financial loss, as well.

Domestic Animals

When it comes to domestic animals, they're looking at much smaller insurance plans, as well as much lower prices. When it comes down to it, a beloved pet may be impossible to replace, emotionally speaking, but financially speaking, the costs are quite a bit lower than when replacing a performing animal.

For instance, a dog that is rescued from the pound doesn't really cost much more than shots, food, training and so on. The eventual cost may be something worth insuring, but it's not likely to be nearly as much as the same costs would be to train a show animal or a racing dog.

In any event, the owner may well want to cover their beloved dog or cat simply to make sure that they can afford them a proper burial, to make sure that they can rescue another animal from the pound without losing any time, and to make sure that they are covered financially in terms of any costs that might be incurred with the loss of their pet.

Losing a beloved animal is never easy, but insuring them should be done from a practical perspective. What are the actual, real costs of losing the animal and replacing the animal? When it comes down to it, insurance isn't really there to cover simply the emotional damages, but the practical costs of losing a beloved part of the family.

Dog Insurance For Life: Is Lifetime Dog Insurance The Best Value?   Some Reasons Why You Should Consider Getting Pet Insurance   Pet Insurance: Little Known Features and Types of Coverage You May Not Know About   Understand The Nuts and Bolts of Pet Insurance   Got A Pet? Read Why Pet Insurance Is So Important For Your Pet And Your Finances   

Taking The Confusion Out Of Choosing Pet Insurance

Anyone who has ever owned a pet has been faced with an unexpected pet health crisis. Standing at the counter at the vet's office with a critically ill animal is not the time to discover that most practices require payment up front to even look at the pet. In today's economy, few people are financially prepared for the high cost of saving a pet's life. Savings accounts can be emptied, credit cards maxed, and entire paychecks spent with just one unexpected pet emergency. Pet health insurance is not just a luxury any longer, it is as necessary as health insurance for humans. Choosing the right plan for your pet can be baffling and overwhelming; luckily there are sites that compare and rate pet insurance options to help make the best decision for your pet's coverage.

There are many companies offering pet insurance; with so many plans available, pet insurance comparisons at a glance are the most helpful tool in aiding your choice. Real life pet insurance reviews can take the guesswork out of your decision.

Questions about your pet health insurance options are endless. You may be wondering if breed specific complications are covered, such as hip dysplasia in german sheperds or respiratory conditions for pugs. Is cancer covered? What about chronic conditions such as congestive heart failure? Are there age requirements to be met? How much will the policy cover in case of an accident or other immediate life-threatening emergency? Are all pet varieties covered, such as rabbits, birds or horses? What about normal well-animal visits; are plans available for spay or neuters, shots, dentistry, and wellness exams?

Researching pet insurance online is a daunting, time consuming task with more questions than answers. Even when the decision is reached, doubts may remain about your choices. It is highly recommended to use sites that compare and rate pet insurance and read pet insurance reviews to avoid unexpected coverage lapses. Most sites will give basic coverage costs at a glance as well.

When choosing a pet health care plan, it is important to understand payment policy. Some veterinarians accept direct payment from the provider, but a lot of them will expect payment up front; the insurance company will then reimburse you the costs incurred. Make sure to call both your regular veterinarian as well as emergency vet clinics in your area to see if they accept the insurance you are considering or will help you file the claim after the visit.

In order to defray costs of deductibles or up front fees, a pet owner should open a savings account just for emergencies involving their pets. A few dollars put into these accounts will add up quickly and help lessen the financial burden of an unexpected vet bill.

Even with a savings account, most people underestimate the costs associated with vet visits. Pet health insurance is a fantastic way to get peace of mind. No one wants to have to use pet insurance, but if you own a pet, chances are at some point you will need to. Researching pet health insurance reviews is a great way to compare companies; real life owners share their experiences with providers so that you can avoid any unpleasant surprises. Using sites that compare and rate pet insurance companies can save much time, aggravation and confusion when making the choice that is best for you and your pet.

Dog Insurance For Life: Is Lifetime Dog Insurance The Best Value?   Some Reasons Why You Should Consider Getting Pet Insurance   Pet Insurance: Little Known Features and Types of Coverage You May Not Know About   Cat Health Insurance   Vital Information About Pet Insurance   

Pet Insurance - Things To Know About Pet Insurance

Being a proud owner of pet can be joy most of time but the medical bills can be expensive at times. The soaring vet bills are often the reason that pet owners worry about especially for old pets. If you are thinking about getting your pets insured you need to ask a few things to before putting your signature on dotted line. Here are few tips on buying the pet insurance.

• Know your pet • Buy the full coverage • Technology coverage like MRI and Scans • Ask the vet for recommendations

The insurance is often based upon the age, health and the life expectancy of the pet. If your pet is in excellent health now and is not having any particular problems or is not a rare breed, chances are you might be able to obtain the reasonable quote for the insurance.

The rising cost of the pet health care often takes three figures quite easily. The estimated cost of pet care for life time is often estimated at average of $2000 to $4000 these days. Reading the details of coverage is a great idea that might help you determine the real cost that might be taken by you. If your insurance company is not paying for some common disease of your pet then you should try to find another instead.

Similarly the pet care should be taken the recommendation of your vet in deciding for the insurance too. They are often more familiar to the basics of the insurance plan for pet and can give you some good tips on that as well. One very important thing to ask the insurance experts about which doctor they have on the list. If the treatment is not satisfactory, or the company is cutting corners at that you better find some other one.

Dog Insurance For Life: Is Lifetime Dog Insurance The Best Value?   Some Reasons Why You Should Consider Getting Pet Insurance   Pet Insurance: Little Known Features and Types of Coverage You May Not Know About   Understand The Nuts and Bolts of Pet Insurance   

The Importance of Pet Insurance or an Alternative

It would be hard to underestimate the love some of us have for our pets. They are there for us because we are there for them and as a result they can become some of our most rewarding relationships. They remind us that it is incredibly important to care about things other than ourselves for a healthy emotional life. Not only that, they are a huge source of fun. Whether frolicking in the park with your beloved puppy or playing fun head games with your feline friend and a laser pointer, there are a lot of fun times that pets are prepped to provide. Caring for a pet can be trying. They take time to learn just like all of us but language barriers and socialized disparity between their animal instincts and what we expect of them can make this process trying. We make do though, because we realize they need a little extra patience and care.

These animals need other kinds of care sometimes as well. Pet health insurance or an alternative to pet insurance can be very helpful when owning a pet leads to frequent vet visits and a possible need for more troublesome medical procedures. A friend recently introduced me to their tiny pup named Boddie. He was a boisterous little dog and seemed incredibly healthy yet still I couldn't help but ask, was there dog insurance in the picture. Was there some alternative to dog insurance in the picture. What would happen to little Boddie if he got worms or he fell off a high surface in my friend's home. It is enough to worry you sick.

There is a ton of trouble a tiny little dog can get into, it is part of their nature to explore and be brave, sometimes that leads to bad things happening. Affordable pet insurance or some form of it can be a great safe guard against healthy happy dog behavior. You never want to be so controlling and nervous about potential veterinary costs that you would stifle your pet, but you do want to know that in case of an emergency they will be okay. Insurance for dogs and other pets can help make things easier on the whole family.

Being a pet owner comes with a lot of responsibility, it also comes with a sense that you and your beloved pet's time together is finite. That the end is inevitable should not get in the way of you truly enjoying your pet. Pet insurance or some alternative offers you peace of mind and a great cushion should things get rough.

Dog Insurance For Life: Is Lifetime Dog Insurance The Best Value?   Some Reasons Why You Should Consider Getting Pet Insurance   Pet Insurance: Little Known Features and Types of Coverage You May Not Know About   Vital Information About Pet Insurance   

What Pet Liability Insurance Is About

If you have a pet that is capable of biting then you would probably need something that can cover the expenses which would result from your pet's bite. Basically pet owners would think that their pets are not capable of harming anyone without reason. This is probably true but it is always better to be safe than sorry. With the increasing incidence of insurance claims associated with animal bites it is a good choice to have something that can protect your interest as well as the unlucky victim.

With pet liability insurance you can be assured that there is something that can help you in case any incident happens beyond your control. This is very important especially if your pet comes from a known breed that bites like a dog. This kind of insurance can cover the expenses associated with these types of incidents. This can pay for the treatment of the victim and can also give due compensation when needed.

In case due to unfortunate circumstances the victim died because of the injuries caused by your pet then with liability insurance the compensation can be paid without you worrying about the impact to your finances. These incidents can sometimes cost a huge amount for settlement that without liability insurance most of your assets will be drained out.

Dog bites are the most common cases that have been associated with liability claims however there are other incidents that would also be filed for liability claims. Instances such as your pet scared someone resulting in injuries while fleeing from your pet. There are also others that cause damage to property indirectly but have been proven to be associated to the pet's actions. With these kinds of incidents and the trend of having every incident filed in court you will be able to pay for the claims awarded to the victim without much hassle. This will keep you from losing your assets due to the ruling of the courts.

Having liability insurance for pets can be a life saver for some people. It is the best way to be ready for different circumstances that your pet can be accused of. Your pet is your responsibility and you would always make the greatest effort to keep it from harming anybody but there are times when we cannot control it or may be unaware that it has gone and done something that we dread for.

Dog Insurance For Life: Is Lifetime Dog Insurance The Best Value?   Some Reasons Why You Should Consider Getting Pet Insurance   Pet Insurance: Little Known Features and Types of Coverage You May Not Know About   Pet Care Insurance - Put Your Pet First   Cat Health Insurance   

What Rabbit Pet Insurance Offers You

When we think about pet insurance, most of the time we think about a holistic policy for all of our animals, including our fuzzy little rabbits. Rabbits are small, simple creatures that melt the hearts of young men and women alike, and whose lifespans are relatively small when compared to our own. They don't cost a lot themselves, and even the accessories required to keep a bunny in a household are much cheaper than those of larger animals like dogs and cats. But when it comes to medicine and veterinary service, rabbits rack up charges just as quickly as bigger animals, which many times rival our own costs for medical service. Insurance alleviates the cost of medical bills, and for pets it lessens the cost of veterinary services and medications.

Although these pet insurance policies have existed for over twenty years, few people understand what they actually cover. For example, if your bunny becomes impacted with feces, which is a common occurrence for these animals, the rabbit pet insurance policy will cover the disempacting, the accompanying pain medications, boarding, and any labor or services conducted by the veterinary doctor or their staff. Most ailments and diseases are covered by these policies and remove the costly worry associated with a sickly animal. However, diagnostics, preliminary blood tests, and preventative vaccines and other shots are typically not covered by the pet insurance policy's standard of requirement. That is, the services that are performed for general health and not in response to a developing condition or emergency situation are not covered by the insurance. So, if you want to take your rabbit in for blood tests and ensure they aren't carrying any harmful bacteria or viruses, the cost will most likely come out of your pocket.

The average rabbit pet insurance cost for their lifetime is roughly $800-$1000, and that compares with the typical average of $5000 for a larger dog's lifetime of veterinary service. Month to month you will be looking at spending around $15-$30 for your bunny depending on what kind, how large, and how many you have. It is not common for rabbits to be prone to illness and disease, but the uninsured fees for conditions like kidney failure or urinary tract infection can run well up over the lifetime average of $1000. As with any rabbit pet insurance policy or pet store warranty, a tough decision must be made about how you are going to provide continued medical care to your animal.

Dog Insurance For Life: Is Lifetime Dog Insurance The Best Value?   Some Reasons Why You Should Consider Getting Pet Insurance   Pet Insurance: Little Known Features and Types of Coverage You May Not Know About   Cat Health Insurance   Vital Information About Pet Insurance   Pet Care Insurance - Put Your Pet First   

Cut Down Your Expenses On Pets With Pet Insurance

Pets are great companions and keeping them is a gratifying experience. Most of you enjoy having pets in your house, but at the same time hate the high cost involved in keeping them. The usual things in their upbringing like food and grooming, veterinary bills, treatments in case of illness and many other things related to them make you spend a lot of money. Pet insurance is a perfect thing that you should be taking to provide best food and treatment to your finest buddies. It can make easier for you to pay the expense of your pet's veterinary treatment.

In order to ensure you have got best insurance policy for your pets, you need to research a lot about the companies which offer such indemnity and compare their coverage plans and premiums. Then decide on one that offers Lifetime Cover plans and has affordable premium policies. However, in most of the cases your premium will be based on several factors such as which pet you wish to insure, its breed and the diseases or problems associated with it.

What types of Pet Insurance can be found?

The insurance policy varies from company to company. While searching for one such company, you will find countless types of policies and covering plans. There might be few which will offer limited sum per year say $3000 and few that will offer an annual limit of $7000. The latter type of coverage plan is good for pets with single chronic disease that involve so much treatment cost. Yearly plans are economical for pets with multiple diseases.

Things to consider while taking pet insurance

If you wish to get the most excellent insurance for your much-loved pets, many things should be taken into consideration:

It's been 25 years since the business of pet's indemnity has been started and in this long duration thousands of companies have started offering coverage plans on pets. Therefore, you need to research and find one company that is stable and reputed. Check out the plans and go for one that has broader coverage. Make sure you are getting free staff services for veterinary related issues. The insurance plan should not restrict your choices of veterinarians or hospitals rather it should allow you to admit your pets into any of the medication centers. Make sure that the indemnity plans are ready to use right from the effective date. Never decide on one that makes you wait for its use.

In addition to the above mentioned guidelines there are many other things that you must think while hunting for the most excellent pet insurance policy.

Dog Insurance For Life: Is Lifetime Dog Insurance The Best Value?   Some Reasons Why You Should Consider Getting Pet Insurance   Pet Insurance: Little Known Features and Types of Coverage You May Not Know About   Vital Information About Pet Insurance   Understand The Nuts and Bolts of Pet Insurance   Got A Pet? Read Why Pet Insurance Is So Important For Your Pet And Your Finances   

All About Pet Insurance

Owning a pet can bring one a lot of joy and satisfaction. A pet can become like one member of the family that is why you want to be prepared if anything were to affect its health. We all know how expensive a trip to the vet can get so the best thing to do for you and your pet is to get pet insurance.

Since not many people know about pet insurance I will give a brief explanation about how it works. The insurance works basically the same way as a car insurance works. If your pet gets sick you will pay your vet for the services he will provide after which the company where you got the insurance from will reimburse you what is owned according to the respective policy. So just like car insurance, pet insurance is designed to protect you from unexpected expenses thus you will be able to recover your losses.

The best time for you to insure your pet is when it is still healthy. If the pet already has some preexisting illness the insurance policy may not cover for it or it can become a bit more expensive. If your pet is healthy then you can get a well care insurance policy which will cover for any routine checkups.

Now you might be wondering how much you should expect to shed out of your pocket for pet insurance. The best thing about this type of insurance is that it is not as costly as typical auto insurance. According to the largest provider of pet insurance, for a base plan for your pet you should expect to pay around $15 per month. If you decide to get also a well care coverage which is optional you will pay somewhere around $25 per month. There are many companies available that offer pet insurance but make sure you choose one that is well based, has longevity and a good reputation. Also make sure you ask your vet's opinion as well. Here are a few things to ask about before you decide upon which policy to buy:

• Is the company established and what are the reviews? • Does the policy cover for chronic and congenital conditions as well? • Does the policy offer flexible options to fit your needs and budget? • Are there any limits concerning treatment per condition?

If you don't have enough time you can go online and search. You will find all the information you need and you may also get discounts if you purchase the policy online.

Dog Insurance For Life: Is Lifetime Dog Insurance The Best Value?   Some Reasons Why You Should Consider Getting Pet Insurance   Pet Insurance: Little Known Features and Types of Coverage You May Not Know About   Cat Health Insurance   

Considering Pet Insurance?

Pet insurance is something to consider for any pet owner with something really invested in their dog or cat. This type of insurance isn't really for just anyone with an animal, but for those whose animals perform or compete in shows, people who breed their dogs or cats, people with exotic pets and so on. This type of insurance can help animal owners and trainers in a number of ways.

Earnings Coverage

Most of these plans, for those who keep animals that compete or otherwise earn income, will include some basic coverage for these earnings now that the animal isn't there to earn. As cold as it might sound to some, the fact is that a person who breeds animals, who competes in dog shows for a living will be out of a job should something happen to their pet.

That is not to say that these people don't love their animals as much as anyone else, but these types of plans will typically cover the loss of income in the same way a policy for the head of a household would cover the loss of income upon death or serious injury.

Replacing the Animal

Clearly, there's no replacing a beloved animal. A dog or cat or bird who the family has fallen in love with is simply irreplaceable from an emotional perspective. However, a new animal in the home is often part of the grieving process and allows the animal's caretakers to move on.

Even if an animal wasn't an income earner in any sense of the term, it still takes money to introduce a new animal into the home, to train them, to get them their shots and check-ups and to make them comfortable. Most animal policies will at least cover the cost of replacing an animal.

Emotional Compensation

Oftentimes, the money provided by such a policy is also intended to help ease the burden of grief. Not to say that a family can put a price on a beloved dog, or name an amount that they would trade their cat for, but nevertheless, having the money to take some of the financial pressure off of the household can at least allow a family to grieve properly.

There's simply no way to truly "make it right" when a beloved animal is lost, but there are at least a number of ways that the process of grieving can be made a little easier, and getting animals covered on some sort of plan is one way to ease that burden.

Dog Insurance For Life: Is Lifetime Dog Insurance The Best Value?   Some Reasons Why You Should Consider Getting Pet Insurance   Pet Insurance: Little Known Features and Types of Coverage You May Not Know About   Understand The Nuts and Bolts of Pet Insurance   Got A Pet? Read Why Pet Insurance Is So Important For Your Pet And Your Finances   Pet Care Insurance - Put Your Pet First   

Do You Need Travel Insurance For Your Dog or Cat?

Pet care is getting expensive. Just like humans, the cost of surgery or treating illness is on the rise. Many folks get "sticker shock" when going to the vet and finding out just how much pet procedures can cost. As we all know, at least those of us who are pet owners, an illness or accident can come about suddenly and without warning. This is when you wish you had "looked into" getting a coverage plan for your dog or cat.

But what about travel insurance? Can dogs and cats get that too?

Luckily, the answer is yes. And it is surprisingly affordable. Also it's not just for illness, rather it can also cover situations that may arise such as finding out the hotel does not allow pets, or charge a lot extra. Pet travel plans will cover the expense by reimbursing you. You might even have to hire a pet sitter which would also be covered.

In fact, most extra unexpected expenses that you incur directly related to your dog or cat will be covered by almost all pet insurance plans. As pets are like family, it is understandable you want the best for your family friend and travel is no exception. Did you know they even have passports now for dogs and cats? This is to satisfy requirements that the dog or cat that is traveling is indeed healthy and disease free. Our pets these days are becoming more and more part of our lifestyle and are important members of our families.

There is yet another very important coverage option available in pet insurance plans. Your pet may become ill in the new country due to climatic or environmental changes, or phobia due to strangers, and may need medical attention from the closest pet care provider.

Pet insurance is a must these days. The cost is low considering the peace of mind you get, not to mention those expensive vet bills.

Dog Insurance For Life: Is Lifetime Dog Insurance The Best Value?   Some Reasons Why You Should Consider Getting Pet Insurance   Pet Insurance: Little Known Features and Types of Coverage You May Not Know About   Vital Information About Pet Insurance   

The Importance Of Pet Insurance

When a family has a pet this animal should be treated as a responsibility similar to any investment or family members. As a result, it is also important to get pet insurance. This kind of health insurance exists for many years, but most families are just realizing the importance of obtaining one for their pets.

Why it is important to get cat or dog insurance?

These insurance policies now feature and support the owners with coverage which deals with various levels of pet care. At present, the modifications include elements which were viewed as cost prohibitive in the past by insurance companies. Many pet owners respond to the problems they encounter when handling red tape and other common problems associated with health care for humans.

The escalating price of veterinary medication as well as the responsibility of pets is causing owners worldwide to deal with the requirement to get specialized health insurance for pets. This coverage generally protects animal in need of hospitalization and other healthcare needs attended to by a veterinarian.

How this health insurance works?

Right now, there is an established average for yearly deductibles when it comes to this type of health insurance, but the actual policy costs will differ extensively. There are generally packages for health care insurance which includes annual examinations and vaccinations as well as preventive medicine, in addition to routine visits to vets. This comprehensive package will also cover insurance for animals requiring neuter and spay surgical procedures. Nearly all insurance coverage take care of illness and accident, plus provide instant protection, actually in just a 30 days, with regards to illness claims for new policies. In cases where you have several pets, then this will enable you to benefit from reduced rates.

When searching for packages to compare pet insurance, you can seek advice from your vet with regards to the wellness packages provided by specific hospitals at cheaper prices and also for geriatric checkups. By doing comparison shopping this will help you to get premium rates and the best coverage that will help to save money and time.

Dog Insurance For Life: Is Lifetime Dog Insurance The Best Value?   Some Reasons Why You Should Consider Getting Pet Insurance   Pet Insurance: Little Known Features and Types of Coverage You May Not Know About   Understand The Nuts and Bolts of Pet Insurance   Got A Pet? Read Why Pet Insurance Is So Important For Your Pet And Your Finances   Cat Health Insurance   

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